I love different ways to get flavour into the kids diets, and chicken kievs are always a family favourite. This is a quick to make recipe that is definitely a bit of a variation on standard kievs, and I would love to hear opinions on this one!


50g butter
2 tsp garlic paste (depending on personal taste)
5 boneless chicken thigh fillets
Flour for dusting
1 beaten egg


• Chop the chicken into bite-size pieces, (6-8 pieces from each thigh ideally)
• Coat the chicken in flour, then dip them in the egg followed by the breadcrumbs
• Melt your butter in a large frying pan, and add the garlic, frying it for a couple of mins to ensure the flavour infuses
• Shallow fry the kievs (possibly in batches if needed) for about 10-12 mins, turning them half way through. (Please check to ensure they are fully cooked.)


You can always use turkey instead too as a slightly leaner version

Great to serve with sweet potato wedges and chopped cucumber and tomato


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